Saturday, March 6, 2010

No updates or pics b/c my computer is full.............blerg......

Well, I have somehow filled my computer to the brim and can't upload my pics to it. My hubby is working on it thought. I had to buy a "time capsule" from Mac. It holds 1 terabyte (a crapload) and should get me to updating the etsy shop, ravelry & flickr soon. My hubby has to update alot of stuff on my computer first to make it the correct "system requirements" so he can install it on my computer. It's a huge pain in the bum, but hopefully I'll be back in action by tomorrow evening. Thanks for listening... Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!! The weather has been beautiful around here for a change!!!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

So the snow came, melted, and gave me a chance to spin outside my comfort zone......and I signed up for a kick a$# art yarn workshop!!

Well the big snow storm last Wednesday kept me from flying to Lubbock....for a third time might I add.  Now it's completley melted and leaving my hardwood floors super grody thanks to my sweet pups.  However, I shouldn't complain b/c the snow gave me plenty of time to stay in and fart around on the ol' wheel. So much time that I finally stepped out of my comfort zone of 2-ply and navajo ply (my favorite) to experiment with the crazier more creative outlet that is art yarn. I bought the book Intertwined by Lexi Boeger some time back (before buying my wheel) and it is the main reason I became determined to learn how to spin yarn. The yarn created by Lexi and the other fiber artists in her book put me on a learn the basics and then venture out into the more creative side of spinning. My 1st experiment resulted in an okay skein of small beehives(was going for coils) and a thread ply.
The 2nd experiment resulted in a thick and thin thread ply that was what I was shooting for surprisingly.
  After these two rebellious acts of spinning, I remembered coming across a website with some awesome art yarn, it was Insubordiknit aka Jacey Boggs. She is another queen of art yarn and amazingness. I ordered her DVD and actually just received it today!!! Anywho, I was looking at her site and came across her workshop list, and lo and behold, she's coming to Boerne TX!! How cool is that??? So, I signed up of course and can't frickin' wait for it. I'm going to attempt more rebellious acts on my own in the meantime, since the workshop isn't until April and also b/c I'm an impatient female who likes what she wants when she wants it!! So let me know what you think!!! I'd love all the feedback and constructive criticism I can get!!!! Hope everybody had a great week!! Until next time....happy spinning and knitting!!!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

More yarn's a comin'

A few new yarns have been added since yesterday and they keep coming. I'm having such a ball spinning all this roving up that I can't stop!! I guess you could say I have a problem......I think it's a better problem to have than others. haha. I always joke up at my LYS....I wonder if they have a 12 step for spinning, b/c I'd probably be their poster child. Anywho, several fun colorways have twisted through my fingers recently and I can't wait to share them!! Orion, Corriedale, was added a couple days ago (1st pic). Rusty Denim(2nd pic), CVM, was added last night and Croquet(3rd pic), BFL, will be added this afternoon. There are several other yarns I still need to list and will keep you updated as I do. The roving Orion and Croquet was handpainted by Cloudlover at The CVM is from a local woman who gave the LYS a large supply of sample cupcakes in an array of colors(I bought all of them b/c I can't get enough of it). CVM has been my favorite so far, mainly b/c it has a small amount of wool grease in it, so it keeps my fingertips hydrated as I spin and drafting is very smooth. I purchased more CVM from another seller and it doesn't have any wool grease in it. I guess it just depends on what they use to wash the fleece. Well, I'm going to get back to work, just wanted to fill the 2 people who follow me in on the life of Lori. Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!

PS. I have a flikr account now, please visit at:
I don't have all of my pics up yet, but I'm trying!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Open for business!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well....quite a bit has happened since I last blogged.
1. On the way to Odessa to see my folks and nephew we got stuck in a blizzard, yep, you heard me, a blizzard in the Dallas..all the way to Abilene kind of blizzard. We (my hubby and our 3 pups)were stuck in the car for about 6 hours before we finally got back to our house. We didn't even make it half way before the interstate was closed.
2. Ate grilled cheese on Christmas day. We didn't have groceries b/c we were going to be at my folks house, then all the stores were closed for the holiday.
3. Monday after won't start...and it's blocking my husbands car in the driveway. The thing was so dead that my key locked in the ignition and we couldn't even get it into neutral. By the time my husband charged it enough to get it into neutral it was found to be pointless b/c it has electric shocks to lift the SUV up off the tires.....they wouldn't lift b/c not enough "juice", therefore my hubby, while very strong and manly,was unable to lift the very heavy SUV to push it out of the way of his car. So....I did make it to work, had to take a cab, then had to pay the $1200 bill to get my car fixed......
4.Found out on New Years eve I might need braces (long story, have had massive amounts of pain and issues with jaw). This is after 2 years and many, many nauseating thousands of dollars later thanks to jaw realigning devices that screwed my bit and jaw up ever more than it was before and custom night bite guards.
5. Received a call from the orthodontist office on the 4th that they had an opening on the 5th to put the braces on and that was the only time they would have b/c "this was an emergency type situation and they didn't have time for me..they were making time for me kinda thing" I had to take it.
6. Did I mention that was $5000 I had to find some debt to cover. Bit of a tummy ache to find that kinda money in a day...haha
7. I opened my etsy shop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep, you heard right...something pretty fun!!! I opened shop, and have been posting the yarns I've been spinning since I laid my hands on my Kromski on December 16. I'm having a blast, it's so much fun to see when someone "hearts" your shop or an item you handmade!!!! I was even included in a "treasury"!!!! Yeah, someone saw one of my yarns and put it in with other cool handmade things that kinda flowed together. Tickled me pink!!! Here's the link if anyone would like to see it in the flesh..haha
Also, here is my SHOP address:
Stop by!! Say hello, let me know what you think!! I'd love a heart or 2 if you like something in my shop!!
Well, that's all for now, just an update in a holiday in Lori's life.....haha

I hope everyone had a blessed holiday!!!!
Happy spinnin' and knittin'!!!